Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Making Applesauce

The apple ready to be peeled, cored and sliced.
The apple about half peeled

The apple ready to come off the peeler

This is my handy dandy apple corer, peeler, slicer.

All cored and sliced the apples on the left go into the cooking pot and the apples on the right go outside for the birds and rabbits and squirrels and chippies. If they decide they don't want any of it I'll put it in the compost.

Once the apples are cored and sliced they are put in the 'pot'

Here is the applesause steaming and bubbling on the stove.

All finished and oh does it smell delicious. I added a little cinnamon and it tastes so good!

Below is a short little video of how the apple peeler works. I got it last year at the local kitchen store. I highly recommend home made apple sauce, a little chunky, a little cinnamon.


Sandra said...

yum yum yum.... but I liked mine cooked with sugar too :)
Ps... are you making pie or cobbler too?

Sandra said...

Oh boy.... I didn't know those things cored and sliced them too... how wonderful

SolitaryDancer said...

Wow just fabulous. I can just imagine how wonderful the smell was.



Anonymous said...

Homemade applesauce is the best. I made it yesterday too. I haven't got the hang of the apple peeler yet so I did it with my old potato peeler. I add sugar and cinnamon.

Anonymous said...

I have to go look at that store for one of those. I remember when you found that one (last one) last year. You made a great infomercial and now I want one! I remember when Mom peeled apples - she could cut the peel off in one long strip and Cathy, Patti, and I would eat the peels like fruit rollups (before fruit rollups were invented lol)

Robin said...

Boy I sure could have used that apple peeler, corer thingy a few weeks ago when I made apple butter!

Anonymous said...

We tried the apple peeler again because I got a bushel of Cortlands for applesauce. Tom got it to work once and cut his finger too. Then the next time it just chewed up the apple. You make it look so easy. I made apple squares today and ended up peeling them with the potato peeler.

Anonymous said...

that is so cool mom!!

Linda :) said...

That is a very handy apple peeler!
and what a fun time picking apples!

aims said...

wow, that really makes me want to go out and buy one of those gadgets! And the apple sauce looks yummy! I can't almost taste it. ;) Apple sauce can be used in many good recipes. I like apples with pork.

Anonymous said...

I have one of those apple corer, peeler and slicers and it is great.