Monday, September 20, 2004

It's been quite a summer. I was given a few tiny tomatoe plants at the end of July. They were heirloom and I don't know what kind they are. I figured I wouldn't get any tomatoes but as you can see in the picture I have a regular crop of tomato. Having the tree fall in the yard and the flood in the basement further delayed gardening and also the discouragement that went with it all. But I've started back taking care of the yard again and while it doesn't look great, it's becoming presentable. I have my little secret garden back in place and like to sit there and read or daydream, sometimes I even garden.  Posted by Hello

1 comment:

SolitaryDancer said...

I am so glad you garden is cominig back. With your tender loving care and downright talent I am sure it will be just lovely.
